Men’s Sheds

Men’s Sheds groups originated in Australia to tackle loneliness and isolation experienced by older men. The movement has since spread to places around the world, including here in Wales. A Men’s Shed is a place for men to think, invent and make things and be part of a unique group with a sense of belonging.

The activities that take place in the sheds – such as wood work, music lessons, cookery lessons, gardening, model making and art – depend on the interests and skills of the group.

Locally, there is a Men’s Shed practical group in Maesteg and a Squirrel’s Nest workshop in Tondu, with the hope of more groups popping up soon.

To find out more about these groups, pop in or contact them using the information below:

Squirrel’s Nest

Unit 40, Tondu Enterprise centre, Bryn Road, Tondu, CF38 9BS. 01656 729625. Open Monday – Friday 10am – 3pm.

Shed Quarters practical group for men

The Court House, 4 Station Street, Maesteg, CF34 9AL. Thursdays 11.30am – 1.30pm, lunch provided (£2 donation).

To search for groups in Wales, or for advice on setting up a new Men’s Shed group, visit

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Ageing well in Bridgend

20 Oct, 2022

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  • Local and national support organisations

    Organisation Contact number Website
    Age Cymru 08000 223 444 Age Cymru
    Ageing Well in Wales 02920 445030 Ageing Well in Wales
    Alzheimers Society 0300 222 1122 Alzheimers Society
    Age connects morgannwg 01443 490650 Age connects morgannwg
    Older people’s commisioner for Wales 08442 640670 Older people's commisioner for Wales
    Welsh Local Government Association 029 2046 8600 Welsh Local Government Association
    Bridgend County Care and Repair 01656 646755 Bridgend County Care and Repair
    Bridges into Work 2 01656 815317
    Communities First Bridgend 01656 642605 Communities First Bridgend
    Careers Wales 0800 028 4844 Careers Wales
    Adult Community Learning 01656 642729
    BAVO 01656 810400 BAVO
    Local Community Coordinators 07815 579082 Local Community Coordinators