Support from South Wales Police
South Wales Police (SWP) support local schemes such as Neighbourhood Watch, Keep Safe Cymru and No Uninvited Callers to promote community safety.
SWP are also part of Bridgend’s Community Safety Partnership, made up of various organisations to improve the quality of life in local communities and create a safer environment for those who live in, work in and visit the county borough.
Keep Safe Cymru
SWP have developed a Keep Safe Cymru card for those who have a special communication need to feel safer when they are out and about.
If a card holder needs assistance, whether they are lost, a victim of crime or any situation that means they need some extra support, they can use the card to access this help. The card holds basic information about the individual such as how they communicate, any health issues and any emergency contacts such as family or carers.
The card will help those providing assistance, such as the Police, to access support for the user of the card and understand how to make them feel safer.
For more information visit:
No Uninvited Callers
No Uninvited Callers is a scheme to make people feel safer if uninvited traders trying to sell goods or services call to their home.
A sticker can be displayed on your front door or window to make it clear that you do not welcome unwanted doorstep sellers. The sticker will deter them from disturbing you and give you the confidence to turn them away.