Medical day Unit

(formerly known as Pendre day Unit), Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend

We provide assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for adults who have suffered falls and /or fractures, and frail older people living in the community in a day unit setting.

You may have been referred because of a number of reasons that include:

Our falls service is growing and we presently provide evidence based rehabilitation and preventative strategies for those who have fallen or at risk of falling.

We run exercise classes that work on individual, strength, stamina and balance to hopefully improve and prevent further falls.

The Medical Day Unit hosts a number of clinics/services hosts that include:

Who can refer to the service?

Falls & Mobility
For our frailty, falls & mobility assessments, the referrer can be any health care professional using the appropriate referral form.

Medical monitoring to include treatments and/or Investigation & Medication review/titration
For our medical monitoring, treatment, medication review or investigative procedure the referrer can only be a medic within secondary care.

The referrer has to take responsibility for the patient’s care whilst in the department.

GP’s cannot directly refer to this service.

Referral criteria/Exclusion criteria

Patients need to have the ability to self medicate and bring their medications with them.
Patients must have the ability to give consent.
Patients must be able to have an understanding for the purpose of their day hospital attendance.

Who will they be seen by?

The team consists of nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists with referrals as required to dieticians, speech and language therapists, community services, general practitioners and other specialist services.

We work closely with social services and the voluntary sector.

What can people expect from the service?

Our job is to help people who have an illness, injury or disability who require:


Contact details

Medical Day Unit (formerly Pendre Day Unit)
Zone J
Princess of Wales Hospital
CF31 1RQ

Telephone: 01656 75 2746/2080
Fax: 01656 754003

Referral form >

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Ageing well in Bridgend

20 Oct, 2022

Read Ageing well in Bridgend >>

  • Local and national support organisations

    Organisation Contact number Website
    Age Cymru 08000 223 444 Age Cymru
    Ageing Well in Wales 02920 445030 Ageing Well in Wales
    Alzheimers Society 0300 222 1122 Alzheimers Society
    Age connects morgannwg 01443 490650 Age connects morgannwg
    Older people’s commisioner for Wales 08442 640670 Older people's commisioner for Wales
    Welsh Local Government Association 029 2046 8600 Welsh Local Government Association
    Bridgend County Care and Repair 01656 646755 Bridgend County Care and Repair
    Bridges into Work 2 01656 815317
    Communities First Bridgend 01656 642605 Communities First Bridgend
    Careers Wales 0800 028 4844 Careers Wales
    Adult Community Learning 01656 642729
    BAVO 01656 810400 BAVO
    Local Community Coordinators 07815 579082 Local Community Coordinators